The show is about celebrating humanity and engaging in real connection. Aggressive music inspires and taps into anxiety that is spurred on by technologic stimuli and we let ourselves be immersed in our shadows. Holding onto the belief that together, we would never allow sensationalism and negativity to take center stage. Trusting that when we continue to join in community, we continue to strengthen, enable, and celebrate all of the warriors of light.
Two projectors, analogue synthesizers, dj controllers, and vj setup.
Solve the puzzle, get a prize. A communal space for occupying the hands and minds.
Every participant came with a badge to customize with their photos. Crafts and reading material provides a space for chilling.
Buzzing with creativity, we featured live painter, SkyBlueJenny and Jewelry by Talismagick.
It would be foolish to ignore the incredible journey that this work has been. Starting with a small spark of intent, it has continued to grow from the contributions of those around me to something I could not have accomplished alone.
Thank you JC for being there from the beginning to bring the energy. Always open to new directions and challenges. For being my brother in celebration of our shadow.
Thank you Tony for your attention to curating the vibe and flow of the event. Your enthusiasm and “down-ness” to jump in head first on this project is inspiring to say the least.
Thank you Arthur for your genuine love and understanding of balance. You are our guide rails to keep us on track to our expansion as people and community.
Thank you Remo for sharing your gifts unconditionally and generously. The special sauce and value that you bring to every project cannot be verbalized enough.
Last but not least - Thank you Jenny for being the foundation for me to dream fearlessly. Your ability to keep us moving and organized is what makes moving mountains possible.
I would not feel this great going into this event if it were not for each one of you.